Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I Was Starting to Smell Skunky

When steelhead season starts I set modest expectations knowing that catching chrome is not usually a big numbers game. I expected to catch a few, and have some days when I get shut out. Well, after catching two in mid-to-late October I thought that maybe my expectations were too low. Then came November, and after a handful of trips, went 0 for the month. So much for raising expectations. I was starting to smell skunky… until today. Finally.

Off and on, the past several trips I have been experimenting with a sinking leader, hoping to get deeper in some of the pools on the Grand. Using a standard leader, I never felt like I was near the bottom whenever I would swing a fly through a pool. Today, I tied on an egg sucking leech, and it was my ticket to success.

The photo has no perspective, as I was in a hurry to snap the photo and release the fish. My guess is it was close to 20”, and had a nice pink color on the gill plate. It put up a good fight after a very subtle take. Most of the takes I’ve had swinging a fly have been strong. The tug is distinctive, so there’s no doubt a fish is on. Today’s take felt like the fly ticked bottom. No matter, skunk off.

No perspective, about 20".  Pink color just starting to show up.
(Click on image for larger view.)

The rest of the fishermen on the river seemed to be having a tough time of it. There was a guide with a client who said I might have caught the only fish in the river. I’ve been where they were at, and feel their pain. They’ll catch em. I'm convinced steelhead fishing is being in the right place, at the right time.

Go out and fool a fish!

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