Sunday, August 21, 2016

How Do You Teach A Snake Catch And Release?

A cold front came through and finally got rid of the heat and humidity that’s choked us for over a month. To celebrate, the wife and I took a hike around the Walter C. Best Wildlife Preserve. The preserve includes a 30-acre lake that has a good population of bluegills and largemouth bass. It’s best suited for spinning gear as most of the lake has high banks. There are only a couple of spots where a fly fisherman can get comfortable.

As we were walking around the lake we noticed a snake making its way across the path. The closer we got to it we noticed it was dragging something. With an even closer look we saw it had a largemouth bass firmly in its grasp. It struggled to swallow the bass but could only get the lower lip in its mouth. As we were taking pictures a runner went by and spooked the snake. It let go of the fish and slithered into the weeds. The snake survived to live and hunt another day….the bass did not.

This water snake tried to make a meal of a largemouth bass. A runner went by and spooked the fish. It dropped the bass and slithered away.
 It learned catch and release.

Go out and fool a fish!

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