Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Chagrin Pays Off Again

I was able to get out before the rain, and hit one of my favorite spots on the Chagrin River. The water was clear, cold, and flowing at a perfect speed for swinging a streamer. After covering most of the pools that usually produce (but didn’t today) I ended up walking further downstream and tried a new spot. I noticed this pool the last time I fished the park but there were two fishermen already working it. I’m glad I remembered it.

Using my go-to streamer, a tan, golden retriever, which is a cousin of a woolly bugger, it didn’t take but five drifts before I felt that tug. A five minute battle ensued. This chromer did not want to give up. I’d get it close and it would make a run. It flopped round the surface a few times and then would head for the bottom. I was finally able to net it and was amazed how thick it was. This female was loaded with eggs. After a quick picture the fish was revived, and took off for the bottom. I believe it was the best fight a steelhead put up for me.

This female put up a good fight. A tan, golden retriever fooled it. One of the best baitfish imitations.

Go out and fool a fish!

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