Monday, February 13, 2017

Why We Get Skunked

Getting skunked happens to us all. It doesn’t matter if you just started or have been fishing for 30 years. It’s going to happen. You can throw everything at them to no avail. The fish just won’t cooperate. Why is that? Well, let’s look at it from the fish’s point of view. Imagine if fish can communicate. Here’s what it might sound like.

Tommy, where have you been?”

“I was behind a rock for about two days. The sucker family was in the area, and I don’t like them. What’s been going on?”

“Not much. The food around here is nothing but eggs, eggs, eggs.”

“Tell me about it. Quick, duck, another spawn sac coming through.”

“Thanks Tommy. I’ve been ducking them all day. You’d think these creatures would have more imagination.”

“I know what you mean. Sometimes I want something big and meaty.”

“Crap, here comes another one.” “Let it go. Jill will eat it. She eats everything.”

“Jill’s gone. I saw her thrashing around yesterday, but I think something got her.”

Hey, it’s getting crowded again. I can see some boots. Let’s move upstream and hit the logs.”

Go out and fool a fish!

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