Sunday, October 21, 2018

Smallies Have To Eat Too

It is mid-October and steelhead has become the target species for many fishermen in northeast Ohio. One big rain event in September brought some chrome up the rivers, and fishermen have had early success. But now the rivers are low, and we could use another big rain to freshen the run.

I’ve had a nice start to the season with two 25” chromers landed and one long distance release after a good fight. Sometimes I get tunnel vision and forget that smallmouth bass are on the move to their winter lies and need to eat as much as possible. So, it was a little surprise when a smallie hit my woolly bugger as it swung through a pool. It turned out to be a nice size resident. And it was my only fish of the day. Saved a skunking!

This smallie hit the olive woolly bugger as it swung through a deep pool. 
Trying to pack on some weight for the winter.
(Click on image for larger view.)

I never get tired of catching smallies, even in October.

Go out and fool a fish!

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