Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ramblings From A Riffle

How many thoughts go through your brain while on the water? Do you solve the world’s problems? I know, when you are in the middle of a stream you should be concentrating on catching fish, but my self-diagnosed ADD gets in the way. I’ll be fishing a pool or riffle when two or three thoughts enter my brain. I never know what the next thought will be. But, to get an idea of what I go through here’s a few thoughts from a recent outing.

Enjoy the warm weather and solitude now because steelhead season is right around the corner. Four layers of clothing and iced guides will be here soon.

Summer is never long enough. We’ve lost about two hours of daylight since late June. Used to be on the water at 5:30AM. Now it’s closer to 7:00AM. Hate that.

Term limits would solve a lot of the problems with the government. One term, eight years. Eliminate reelections and maybe Congress votes for what is right, and not a vote to protect their seat.

Why don’t the smallies like this fly?

Most business meetings are twice as long as they need to be.

I still can’t understand why tippet manufacturers don’t color a section of the tippet near the end of the spool. It would be a perfect warning that the spool is almost used up.

Why didn’t I take up fly fishing 20 years ago?

I’ve got a great wife. She’s never said no to a fishing trip. 41 years and going strong!

Some day I’m going to float the Shenandoah River for smallmouth.

Are the Browns really going to be that bad? Projected one win. Doesn’t matter, still watch them.

Wouldn’t a Cubs, Indians World Series be fun?

Why does a round of golf seem to take forever yet the same time on a river will go by way to quickly?

I hate plumbing repairs.

Go out and fool a fish!

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