Monday, June 26, 2017

Do You Practice K & R? I Hope Not.

K & R, or better known as Kiss and Release, seems to be a growing “thing” among fishermen. Catch a nice size fish, give it a kiss, and let it go. I’ve seen it on outdoor television shows and on the water. Sure, it may be a fish of a lifetime, or it put up a good fight, but I just don’t understand. I’ve caught big fish, and it never even entered my mind to kiss it. I guess that’s the Seinfeld in me.

Do you know where that fish has been? It lies at the bottom of a lake or river in muck and around rocks and wood. It has a slime coating to protect it. And some fishermen want to kiss them? I’m sure there’s some obscure study that identifies several health concerns that could potentially be transferred from the lip lock.

Beautiful rainbow caught on a dry fly. But you'll never see me kiss a fish.

Take a picture. Pat it on the head. Release it. Don’t kiss it. But if you do, don’t tell your significant other that you kissed a fish when you go to kiss her, or him.

Practice P, P, & R.

Go out and fool a fish!

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