Friday, July 21, 2017

The Hotter The Better

Almost 80° at 6:00AM, cloudy skies, and over 2’ visibility on the water. I knew the topwater bite was going to be on. It has been my experience that the hotter the temperature, the more willing the bass are to attack a topwater popper. And attack it they did.

My go-to popper has been a black, Boogle Popper, with a size 10 hook. For the rivers in northeast Ohio I don’t think you need anything larger. Once the smallmouth lake run is over, and the residents settle into their territory, a downsized topwater offering does the job.

The black, Boogle Popper, laying by the tail, has been my go-to popper.

My goal is to cast the popper within a foot of a bank, wood structure, or a rock. It seems the closer the better. One thing I do is change up the retrieve. Sometimes I immediately pop it. Other times I’ll let it sit and drift before popping it. I’d have to say that both methods work equally well. At least they both produced yesterday.

It didn’t take long for the fun to begin. The first pool with some wood structure produced a couple of nice sized smallies. One hit the popper immediately after it landed. I must have put the popper right on the smallie’s head.

This smallie hit the popper immediately after it landed on the water. Had to have hit him on the head.
(Click on image for larger view.)

The largest fish of the day was taken from this pool. The smallie swallowed the popper, and gave a great fight. The bloodied warrior came to the net, was revived, and swam away strongly.

This bloodied warrior gave a great fight before coming to the net. He swam away strongly when released.

I like the spot pattern on this smallie. Click on the image for a larger view.

The rest of the day was spent catching, and occasionally missing a lot of fish. Let’s hope the hot weather continues.

Go out and fool a fish!

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